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Ode to My Tissue Boxes

by Brinly Teeple

Arguably the most useful thing in my room

You have done the obvious

Dried my tears

Entrapped my snot

But you have done so much more

Often times when I make a mess I long for a paper towel

But I don't have time to go get any

there you are ready to serve

I watered my plants and made a mess

You stopped my applications from bearing the burden of my mistakes

I make a mess whilst eating my apple

There you are within arms reach

To soak up the sweet red juices falling not so gracefully from my mouth

I cut myself shaving in the shower

You come to the rescue to sop up the never-ending flow

A bug is on my wall

You provide protection between my hand and said creature so I can remove it from my room

You never seem to run out

Through 5 months

Painful allergies

A bout of the flu

A cold

Many cries

Many cuts

And many many messes

I have only replaced you once

You have been there to erase the mistakes I have made

To comfort me

To save me

I appreciate you

My tiny box of heroism

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